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Community Gardening: Grow, Learn and Feel Closer to Nature

Get involved with this project




England, UK




Conservation, Tree Planting

To get involved with this project, go to the organiser's website. You may also find information below.

Our community gardening activities focus on bringing people together to help each other grow, learn and feel closer to the natural world: Connect, grow, enjoy!

We are currently running two types of community gardening session:

  • Sunday Garden Club (usually on the second Sunday of the month 10am-12oclock)
  • Friday Garden Club (weekly on a Friday morning 10am-12oclock)

To join in:

  • for Sunday Garden Club please book your free place in advance so we know how many people to plan for. Accompanied children are very welcome – to find out when the next session is, check out our What’s On page.
  • for Friday Garden Club please contact Steve Granger to enrol. Email [email protected]

What to wear:

  • Come in old clothes appropriate for the season, and suitable footwear.
  • We advise you to bring your own gardening gloves, especially with children, so that they fit well and allow the wearer to use the tools provided safely and comfortably. We do have a selection of gloves for general use if you don’t have your own.
  • A waterproof may be occasionally needed and sunscreen is essential when working outside from March to October.
  • It’s a good idea also to protect your head and neck from the sun in hot weather.

We provide tools, guidance, hot and cold drinks, first aid support and a friendly atmosphere. To find out more please contact Steve Granger on [email protected]

You can find our information on how to have fun and stay safe while at Garden Club here

Past Sunday activities have included:

  • willow weaving
  • planting a wildlife hedge
  • mosaic making
  • learning about bats
  • creating an earth sculpture
  • all about composting
  • creating an orchard
  • fruit pruning
  • mural painting
  • wildflower planting
  • creating a sensory garden
  • scrap sculpture
  • drought resistant planting for sunny and shady sites
  • bird and bat box making
  • bulb planting
  • pond dipping
Last Updated: