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Visit the bears rescued from bile farms in Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam

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Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam


Donation, Fixed Price, Free


Animal Care/Rescue

To get involved with this project, go to the organiser's website. You may also find information below.

When Perth grandmother Mary Hutton learnt of moon bears suffering in bile farms, she formed Free the Bears, helping rescue & rehabilitate over 1,000 bears as well as protect wild bears. Just like our founder Mary Hutton, you can make a difference. Did you know? #MaryTheSunBear from #BearsAboutTheHouse is named in honour of Mary Hutton. 

Visit our sanctuaries, sign up as a Bear Carer monthly donor, donate, sponsor a rescued bear or join our support groups to help raise awareness & funds. 

Please help us make up for the suffering these beautiful bears have endured. Thank you.

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