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Help Tibetans Practice Their English in Dharamshala, India

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Cultural Exchange

To get involved with this project, go to the organiser's website. You may also find information below.

Learning and Ideas for Tibet in Dharamshala, India is always in desperate need of volunteers to enhance our skills training centre. Our volunteer program aims to have people from across the world come to India and share their skills with the Tibetan refugee community to support local and sustainable development.

We offer a range of free long term and short term volunteer placements that allow you to immerse yourself in Tibetan culture.

We also welcome drop-in volunteers with no previous communication or planning, and also options for those wanting to plan ahead.

Every weekday from 2pm-3.30pm, the centre welcomes English speakers to drop-in and assist in the English conversation class. There’s no need to contact the centre beforehand, just show up. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the local community and interact with monks and Tibetans.

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