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Community Verified

Help to keep the Marseille coastline clean

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Beach Cleans

To get involved with this project, go to the organiser's website. You may also find information below.

This project has been Community Verified by @sivan_travelsgreen

This is the main activity of the association, to organize cleaning sessions once a month.

Clean my Calanques is a Marseille association created in 2017, which campaigns for the preservation of the environment and aims to raise awareness among the entire population of environmental issues.

How was the idea born? In the middle of jogging, Éric was surprised by the amount of waste present on the Morgiou cove path. Seized by the alarming contrast between the paradisiacal setting and the abundance of waste, he decides – under the advice of Lise, his mother – to organize “between friends” depollutions to take action on his scale!

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