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Sugai Watch: Protecting Rivers Starting in Bali, Indonesia

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River Cleans

To get involved with this project, go to the organiser's website. You may also find information below.

Indonesia ranks as the 2nd largest plastic polluter to the oceans after China. On the island of Bali, it is predicted that only 4% of plastics are recycled.

A lot of this is due to the lack of waste management and recycling infrastructure. Although Indonesia has pledged to reduce 70% of plastic pollution it emits into the ocean by 2025, we are continuing to see an increase in illegal landfills that are piling up alongside rivers.

How to join a cleanup

To join a cleanup, there is no need to register. We welcome everyone. We try to provide gloves to all participants, but we always appreciate when people come with their own gloves and closed shoes or boots (not all locations require boots as we sometimes clean up river banks that are dry).

To find out when and where the next cleanup is taking place, view the Cleaning Schedule.

Find out more about the work that Sugai Watch carries out on their website.

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