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Visit a cafe inside a UN buffer zone

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Cafes/Restaurants, Cultural Exchange

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The Home Cafe by the Home for Cooperation – Nicosia’s most unique Cafe located on the ground floor of the Home for Cooperation building, brings people together from all around the world.

At The Home Cafe, coffee is always freshly roasted and goes along perfectly with the delicious homemade snacks, in a cosy atmosphere. It is an ideal place to study, read, have a meeting, and organize an event.

In addition to healthy dessert and snack options, The Home Cafe provides catering services for bookings at the Home for Cooperation as well as for activities taking place in other venues located in and around the Ledra Palace area, Buffer Zone.

The Home Cafe hosts the library of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research composed of over 2500 books, and a collection of souvenirs inspired by the everyday scenes of Old Nicosia.

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