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Visit Peepal Farm, a stray animal rescue centre

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Animal Care/Rescue

To get involved with this project, go to the organiser's website. You may also find information below.

Peepal Farm is a stray animal rescue, and an awareness organization, working to help animals heal and be heard.

Instead of living just because we are born, we wanted to live deliberately – in accordance with our philosophy of life. We had started doing good because of our philosophy; then we learnt it feels great too 🙂

Located in Village Dhanotu (District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India) it started out as our home that we built with space for injured stray animals, for people who want to help, and for us to be able to grow our own food.

If you just want to swing by, say hello and play with the animals, or get your hands dirty in the farm if you want. We have a lot of manure to be moved and weeding to be done!

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