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Visit the world’s only Sun Bear conservation centre

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Animal Care/Rescue

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The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) is the only sun bear conservation centre in the world.  It was founded in Sabah, Malaysia in 2008 with two aims:

  • to provide care and rehabilitation to rescued sun bears; and
  • to increase awareness of sun bears internationally.

These aims work to ensure the absolute right of every bear to live in the forest.

The mission of the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Sabah, Malaysia, is to promote sun bear conservation in Borneo through animal welfare, conservation, rehabilitation, education and research – giving captured sun bears a better home and restoring their right to live in the wild, by:

  • Creating the capacity to confiscate, rehabilitate and release suitable orphaned and ex-captive bears back into the wild.
  • Providing an improved long-term living environment for captive bears that cannot be released.
  • Educating the public and raising awareness about this species.
  • Achieving increased protection for sun bears and their habitat through ongoing research, increased knowledge and awareness, and further protection of habitat.

Visit Us

Our visitor centre provides a rare chance to see sun bears in a natural forest setting.

Opened since 2014, we offer visitors the chance to see rescued ex-pet sun bears on their road to rehabilitation, as well as local flora and fauna such as orangutans, macaques, squirrels, and diverse tropical tree species.

Our signboards offer information in multiple languages describing the unique features of the sun bears, their important roles in the forest and their threats.

A staff is always at the observation platform to tell you more about the bears and answer your questions.

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